The International Abrahamic Forum, in partnership with the Council of Christians and Jews, Three Faiths Forum and Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester, is delighted to invite you to the most exciting interfaith event of the year, a seminar on “Challenging Antisemitism and Islamophobia”. The event will take place on Thursday 3rd December at 7pm at a North Manchester venue, and features two fantastic panels of distinguished speakers, both academic experts and renowned interfaith practitioners. A full list of speakers is detailed below and an invitation is attached. Between the panels there will be a light buffet and an opportunity to connect with local, national and international experts in the field.

Attendance is completely free but booking is essential, so book now to avoid disappointment! Please contact Francesca Frazer at
or you can ring 07791 733 980.

We look forward to welcoming you!

“Challenging Antisemitism and Islamophobia”

Thursday 3rd December 2015, 7pm, North Manchester venue

Opening: Rabbi Ehud Bandel,
IAF Co-Chair

7.15-8.00pm Panel 1: Academic Experts
Chaired by Dr Jane Clements, CCJ Director

Dr Mustafa Baig, Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK, Cardiff University, IAF Co-Chair
Dr David Rich, Community Security Trust
Prof Philip Alexander, University of Manchester

8.00-8.40pm Light Buffet and Discussion

8.45-9.45pm Panel 2

Panel 2: Interfaith Practitioners
Chaired by Rt. Revd. Dr Michael Ipgrave OBE, Bishop of Woolwich and CCJ Chair

Pasha Shah, Chair of the Forum for Discussion of Israel and Palestine (FODIP)
Imam Qari Muhammad Asim MBE, Leeds Makkah Mosque
Rabbi Benjamin Rickman, King David High School, Manchester
Yasmeen Akhtar, Three Faiths Forum (3FF) Programme Manager
Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko, CCJ Deputy Director
David Arnold MBE, CCJ Manchester Co-Chair

Closing comments: Francesca Frazer, IAF Coordinator

To book, please contact Francesca Frazer at